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City of Waverly

Misc Permits


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Special Designated Liquor License (SDL)

If you are planning an event serving alcohol, a Special Designated Liquor License (SDL) is needed. SDL is a short-term liquor license for a special event where alcoholic beverages will be sold. SDL is only needed if another organization is holding an event at a licensed premise. Only current retail liquor license holders and 501(c) Non-Profit Organizations can apply for an SDL.



The City of Waverly currently does not charge a fee a fee for an SDL. There is a $40 fee payable to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission (NLCC). 


The City of Waverly must receive the application no later than 30 days prior to the event. This is to ensure we have the proper time to contact necessary departments for approval and reach out to the applicant if clarifications or changes are needed. The NLCC must receive the application no later than 7 days prior to the event. We encourage applicants to apply as soon as possible.


Prior to applying for a SDL, please carefully review the following requirements for the City of Waverly:

  • The applicant identifies specific measures to prevent possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors and intoxicated persons.
  • The applicant has provided adequate restroom facilities.
  • The applicant and proposed service of alcohol otherwise complies with all other requirements of the Waverly Municipal Code §111.08 and the Nebraska Liquor Control Act. 
  •  The SDL application must be filed at the City Clerk's office 14130 Lancashire St no later than 30 days prior to the event. Email City Clerk.
  • The SDL application is then forwarded to the following City/County offices/departments for approval:
    • Waverly Fire Chief
    • Waverly Emergency Services Coordinator
    • Lancaster County Sheriff's Office
      • The above public service agencies will want clarification, so please provide details on: size of the event, location of the event, specific security measures, emergency access for emergency vehicles, lighting, and traffic control including safety of the patrons leaving the event. 
  • Once all recommendations for approval have been received, the SDL application will be approved by the City Clerk. The City Clerk will contact the applicant with questions and clarification as needed. 
  • Following the City Clerk's approval, the SDL recommendation form will be returned to the applicant. It is the applicant's responsibility to complete the application and return it to the NLCC at least  7 business days prior to the event. Please refer to the 7-day SDL calendar for applicable deadlines.
  • Once the application has been submitted and application fee has been paid to NLCC, NLCC will contact the City Clerk for approval. 
  • Following approval by the City Clerk and NLCC, the Special Designated Liquor License will be forwarded to the applicant.

For more information on Special Designated Licenses, please visit the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission website, or please contact them at:

Nebraska Liquor Control Commission
301 Centennial Mall South
P.O. Box 95046
Lincoln NE 68509-5046

Email Shelly Paden or call 402-471-2821
Email Savannah Tesla-Snyder or call 402-471-4885
Email NLCC Licensing