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City of Waverly

Parks & Recreation


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The following guidelines provide directions for placement of geocaches in park and open space areas managed by the City of Waverly. A geocache is a hidden cache intended to be located using a Global Position System (GPS) device. These guidelines are posted on the City of Waverly website, and available at the Waverly City Office.

  1. A permit is not required to place a geocache in park or open space area managed by the City of Waverly. However, caches found to be in violation of these guidelines will be removed and disposed. In addition, the violating cache will be reported to the Geocaching website: http://www.geocaching.com
  2. Geocaches may be placed in Wayne Park, Sharp Park and Lawson Park.
  3. Geocaches may not be placed in the Rosehill Cemetery, City Office, Fire Station, Wastewater Treatment Plant, City Wells or Water Tower properties.
  4. Geocaches may not be buried. Placement of a geocache may not involve digging or displacement of the soil. Geocaches cannot damage or cause harm to plants, trees or other landscaping materials.
  5. A cache should be a small, sealable, weather-resistant container. The cache should be clearly labeled with a permanent marking including the name of the cache and appropriate contact information (e.g.Geocaching.com). The cache may contain a pencil or pen, a log book, a disposable camera, and/or inexpensive trinkets for exchange. Items in the cache must be “family-friendly” (i.e., no pornography, explosives, or alcohol, tobacco, firearms or drugs, etc.) The cache should not contain food items.
  6. Once the geocache is placed, it is the responsibility of the individual to maintain the cache and the area around it. The area should be visited as often as necessary to ensure that the cache is in good repair, and that it is not negatively impacting the surrounding area. The individual is responsible for removing the cache when it has been taken out of use.
  7. The City of Waverly will not be responsible for damage, destruction or loss of caches placed in parks or open space areas.

The Geocaching Policy was established by resolution on 5-14-2024. Resolution 24-06