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City of Waverly

Building & Zoning


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INTRODUCING  an online portal for submitting building, mechanical, and plumbing permits!
Please click on the links to get started using our new software, iWorQ, which allows contractors and residents to submit building permits online. This is a more effective way to submit and view permits, and helps with the organization of building permits. After you've submitted your paperwork, you can pay using the link below or at the City Office (in person or over the phone).

Step 1: Online Permit Submittal

Step 2: PAY HERE 

Click below to print out a paper permit form. Contractors please use the online portal above.

*NEW* Sod & Seeding Permit - Effective May 1, 2024

Floodplain Development Permit/Application

Mechanical & Gas Piping Permit

Plumbing & Gas Piping Permit

Residential / Commercial Improvement Permit

New Residential / Commercial Construction Permit
*Note: The infrastructure fee schedule was recently updated, which applies to all new construction of residential and commercial properties. Please click on the links below for more information.
               Infrastructure Fee Information
               Resolution 22-22 (establishing infrastructure fees)

Swimming Pools, Hot Tubs, Spas

Sidewalk Cost Sharing Replacement Application
For more information on the sidewalk cost-sharing program, please click HERE.


RES Compliance Check

State of Nebraska Electrical: https://electrical.nebraska.gov/

Building Deposit Forms
*Deposit required for new construction, including residential, commercial, and industrial properties.

$500 Building Deposit Form (construction costs $50,000-$125,000)
$750 Building Deposit Form (construction costs $125,001-$200,000) 
$1,000 Building Deposit Form (construction costs $200,000+)  
$3,000 Building Deposit Form - no subdivision (construction costs $50,000-$125,000)
$3,250 Building Deposit Form - no subdivision (construction costs $125,000-$200,00)
$3,500 Building Deposit Form - no subdivision (construction costs $200,000)

Building Permit Fees
Permit Fees are calculated based on the estimated cost of the project. The chart below will help you find the cost of your permit fee. If you need to find the projected cost of the project, please review the Permit section above. Please contact the Building Department if you have further questions 402-786-2312.

Building Permit Fee Chart