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City of Waverly



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Burn Ban Information

The Fire Chief will declare a burn ban on open burn permits if certain factors are present causing unsafe burning conditions. When a burn ban is declared, all burning is prohibited including issuance of open burn permits and fire pit use. A burn ban can happen for two reasons:

       1.  Red Flag Warning

  • Waverly Fire Rescue will automatically issue a burn ban that will go into effect if a Red Flag Warning is issued by the National Weather Service in Omaha. No open burning will be allowed during this time. The ban starts one day before the Red Flag Warning is forecasted and ends two days after the warning is over. National Weather Service website

       2.  Seasonal Changes/Weather Conditions

  • Waverly Fire Rescue may temporarily stop issuing open burn permits if certain conditions make burning unsafe. The decision will be based on seasonal changes and weather patterns. This ban will last as long as needed, depending on the following factors:
  1. Several brush fires have occurred in or near Waverly’s fire district.
  2. Other nearby fire departments have also stopped issuing burn permits.
  3. Drought conditions in the area, based on data from the U.S. Drought Monitor.
  4. If drought levels reach Extreme (D3) or Exceptional (D4), a ban will likely be put in place. U.S. Drought Monitor website

Waverly Fire & Rescue can stop allowing open burn permits at any time for circumstances above and beyond these factors.

Ordinance 24-11 Fire Prevention

Update February 27, 2025: Burn Ban Issued